I recently met a young woman who we'll call "Jill", who impressed me the minute we were introduced. She is young (24 years old), confident, carries herself extremely professionally and operates her own business.
Since meeting her that first time, I've had the opportunity to get to know her a little better. I really love her attitude about the way she takes care of herself and about her body image.
She eats healthy, exercises and is not "skinny". As she coins it, "I'm curvy". And, by the way, she's proud of the way she looks.
This is such a refreshing yet unusual attitude for young women in our society today. "Jill" is young, fit, and has beautiful curves which makes her look and feel sexy. She is not trying to lose weight in her derriere or her beautiful legs, she's completely happy.
What a wonderful example for young females, children and adults. Genetically we have a predisposition to a certain body type. So many women fight against the current in an attempt to drastically change those features to achieve the waif/model body style.
I'm here to tell you that many models and celebrities simply don't eat (or eat too little). Many of them also work with a personal trainer 2-3 hours per day. This type of lifestyle is simply too costly and unrealistic for most people.
So take a good look at the beautiful features of your body and be proud of them. If you continue to eat healthy and exercise you'll live a long, happy life, appreciating the way you look and not worrying about what others think!
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